
Safety at Sea

Discover why cruising is one of the safest ways to explore the world

Every cruise line strives to keep passengers safe, and ensure that guests and crew are staying healthy at sea. Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA) — the world's largest cruise association — requires that its members comply with all standards and regulations to ensure passenger safety. The average cruise ship undergoes dozens of safety inspections per year and adheres to (or exceeds) requirements set by the International Maritime Organization (IMO).

Is It Safe To Go On A Cruise?

Cruising boasts the travel industry's strongest safety record. Nearly 600,000 people are sailing on cruise ships around the world on a daily basis, and over 32 million people are expected to cruise this year alone.

How Do Cruise Lines Keep Your Children Safe On Board?

Cruise lines have made the safety of young passengers a main priority. To ensure kids are always safe, cruise lines take many precautions to maximize security on board:
  • Distribution of identification bracelets for children to wear
  • Trained counselors responsible for escorting children to appropriate meeting areas in the event of an emergency
  • Supervision for all children as part of each cruise ship’s onboard kids’ program
  • Uniformed crew members stationed throughout the ship to assist as needed

How Do Cruise Lines Prepare for an Emergency?

A ship's captain, crew, and other onboard officials will educate, prepare, and keep passengers informed in the unlikely event of an emergency. The primary safety protocol for all cruise ships is the mandatory muster drill, which includes:
  • A deckside review of all evacuation routes and what to do in the case of an emergency
  • Full disclosure of appropriate meeting locations (also known as "muster stations")
  • The locations of lifeboats, life jackets, and life preservers
  • An in-depth demonstration on how to properly secure a lifejacket
  • A complete overview of evacuation and lifeboat-embarkation procedures

How Do Cruise Lines Handle Fire Safety And Prevention?

Fire on a cruise ship is extremely uncommon, but most vessels are well prepared to manage any type of fire emergency at any time. The following firefighting resources can be found aboard a majority of cruise ships:
  • Well-trained and experienced firefighting teams available 24 hours a day
  • Sprinkler heads and smoke alarms in all staterooms
  • Fire extinguishers and smoke detectors located throughout the ship
  • Lifeboats and life rafts for every passenger on board

How Do Cruise Lines Prevent with Crime at Sea?

Cruise lines have partnered with local, state, federal, and international organizations to ensure maximum safety for all passengers. Precautionary measures include:
  • All passengers and luggage are thoroughly screened prior to departure
  • Travelers must present a valid and up-to-date form of identification
  • Crew members present at entry and exit points in order to prevent unauthorized boarding
  • Surveillance cameras that allow crew members and security personnel to monitor public spaces
  • Crew members stationed in areas where passenger access is restricted